Sometimes, one visit to your website is not enough to trigger a buying behaviour, which is why display remarketing is such an important part of an online marketing strategy. You’ve gone to all the trouble of making your website as engaging as possible, you’ve finally secured a top 5 position on the organic Google search results, all backed up with a Google Adwords campaign. Your social media strategy ensures that you’re connecting with your potential customers via a select number of social networks that your target demographic prefers. It’s almost rude that they don’t purchase your products and services on their first visit to the website. Only 10-20% of your website visitors may go as far as making a buying decision on their first visit.

How Remarketing Works

So, how do you bring them back? Remarketing gives you a chance to bring back indecisive customers with custom designed Internet display ads & promotional offers that directly relate to the experience they had on your site. With remarketing, you get another chance to win back the visitor and close the deal.

Use Internet & display remarketing to re-capture previously lost visitors

Use re-marketing to re-capture previously lost visitors.

As you can see, once a potential customer visits your website, your prospect is tracked with a simple tracking ‘cookie’. Depending on how you set-up your campaign, you can even track your prospects exit page on your website or record items that they may have added to an online shopping cart, but may not have paid for. You can use this information to ‘remarket’ product or service specific ads back to your prospects via Google’s own Google Display Network as they make their ‘merry way’ around the Internet. You may have noticed this technique yourself. After visiting a website, you suddenly notice advertisements for that website popping up on some of your favourite websites. That’s remarketing in action.

 Is remarketing right for your Internet Marketing Strategy? Just contact us for a consultation to find out.